(090629_TotemATC_SnowshoeHare by mia half, licensed under Creative Commons)
Today's update is gonna be short one: still busy with a lot of stuff. Instead of attempting to cram an in-depth article into half a page of text, I'm going to do something of a marketing blurb for a program and a site that really got me into the M:tG game. People, meet Magic Set Editor! Quoting from the site:
Magic Set Editor, or MSE for short, is a program with which you can design your own cards for popular trading card games. MSE can then generate images of those cards that you can print or upload to the internet. Magic Set Editor also has a statistics window that will give useful information about your set, like the average mana cost, number of rares, etc. When you have finished your set, you can export it to an HTML file to use on the Internet, or to Apprentice so you can play with your cards online.How cool is that? The WotC schedule of releasing new products and sets is fairly tight, but at least for me it's hardly enough. That's where the Magic Set Editor forum comes into play (or enters the battlefield in New World Order parlance): a lot of people do extremely high-quality cards and sets of their own, which you can gawk at on the forums. A lot of people even format the releases in WotC-style spoilers, which just makes it that much more awesome.
Using the program is super simple, so after just a few weeks you'll be designing and showing off cards of your own. And the forum has a lot more stuff than just the custom cards section. Discuss general M:tG matters in the Lounge, or give your two cents on new releases.
Check it out now!
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